Fat Layer Therapy Scheme
If you have localized fat deposits and cellulite, but you’re not a candidate for device treatments, the Booster Therapy Scheme is the latest cosmetological “sensation” based on phyto-peeling and A2 blockers that powerfully stimulate lipolysis using the strength of your own cells. The scheme is a specialized therapy aimed at activating the lipolysis of fat cells and results in a local reduction of fat deposits and cellulite. It significantly improves skin firmness and elasticity.
The treatment is based on phyto-peeling (a mixture of plants Spongilla, Fragilis, and Ephydata) combined with A2 blockers. The unique PHA2 technology, through the most advanced drone cosmetic technology, allows transdermal intake of substances and the activation of a complex lipolysis process.

What is PHA2 technology?
In the human body, fats (triglycerides) accumulate in adipose tissue. Their metabolism is regulated by hormones (adrenaline activates the burning of fat layers). When this process is disrupted, fat tissue accumulates locally, which cannot be reduced by changing dietary habits or exercise. PH A2 BLOCKERS are natural, plant extracts obtained from chrysanthemum that continuously promote lipolysis, without interruption, by blocking A2 receptors on fat cells.
Research has shown that the plant extracts used in these body treatments activate cellular metabolism and enhance the lipolysis process.
• Blood circulation is accelerated.
• Sweat gland secretion is activated.
• Basal metabolism is increased by about 40%.
• The elimination of fat burning by-products is intensified.
The treatment does not require prior preparation. After applying the Detoxifying peeling gel (removes dead cells, cleanses the skin from toxins, stimulates metabolism), we locally apply the PHA2 ampoule. The area is wrapped in foil for 30 minutes, after which we apply the Body Sculpt Total Tech gel, which further activates metabolism and stimulates lipolysis. The treatment concludes with the Thermoslim Gel, which causes strong hyperemia to accelerate circulation and drainage.
The treatment lasts 60 minutes and is repeated after 7 days. For concrete effects, 5-10 treatments are needed depending on the amount of adipose tissue, metabolism, and dietary habits.
Women and men with localized excess fat and cellulite are suitable candidates.
Overweight individuals are not candidates for the treatment.
Evaluation after 6 weeks:
Local volume reduction: 3-5 centimeters
Cellulite reduction: 30-40%
Skin elasticity increased by up to 60%
Skin smoothness up to 30%
After the treatment, there’s a slight tingling in the treated area, indicating the treatment’s effectiveness. You can immediately return to your daily activities. It’s recommended to regulate your diet and continue daily home care with the Body Sculpt Total Tech gel.