EM Sculptone Muscle Training
Have you ever wished to train and strengthen muscles without intense workouts?
Now you can do it effortlessly with the new technology. EM Sculptone is a new device based on revolutionary technology. Focused electromagnetic field, in just a 30-minute treatment, performs 20,000 muscle contractions. These supramaximal effects cannot be achieved through traditional training.
Due to high consumption in the muscles, energy is drawn from the surrounding fat tissue, resulting in reduced fat layers. In the end, you have strengthened, defined muscles, reduced fat layers in the treated area, and tightened skin. If you want to define and shape your legs, buttocks, abdomen, waist, back, or arms, non-invasively and without effort, EM Sculptone is the right choice.
If the abdomen is being treated, it is advised not to eat 2 hours before the treatment. 2 to 4 applicators that create a focused electromagnetic field are placed on the areas we want to treat. Intensity and modality are adjusted depending on muscle strength and the client’s subjective feeling. The goal is to set the maximum endurance intensity. The treatment lasts 30 minutes. During the treatment, one can feel intense muscle pulsations. 5 to 10 treatments are recommended. The gap between treatments is 2 to 3 days.
This is suitable for individuals who want to quickly define and strengthen muscles and contour any part of the body without the fatigue of classic intense training. Individuals with metastatic tumors, acute inflammations, fever, epilepsy, implanted pacemakers and metal implants, venous thrombosis, individuals with muscular system diseases, and pregnant women are contraindicated for the treatment.
Results are visible after 3 to 4 treatments. 5 to 10 treatments are recommended for a concrete effect.
After the treatment, a muscle training effect is felt. You can immediately return to your daily activities. It’s desirable to pay attention to your diet, avoid junk food, sweets, pastries, consumption of carbonated drinks, and alcohol.