Back Therapy
Very few people have perfect biomechanical relationships throughout their body. We are constantly under the influence of gravity, and we use certain extensor muscles much less nowadays than our ancestors did. Sedentary lifestyles, stress, and many other factors affect the curvature of the physiological axis of the spine, ultimately disrupting the biomechanics of the entire body. Continuous overloading of certain muscle groups, starting from school age, results in structural changes in the bone tissue that unfortunately become permanent, and we then speak of medical therapy for chronic issues rather than corrective therapy.

The adolescent growth spurt is often unfavorable, as muscle and bone development are not temporally aligned. Bone development concludes around the age of 25. Until then, corrections are possible, and alongside physiotherapy, education is essential to become aware of and correct daily pathological positions. Hence, prevention is better than cure!
In later years, we can only “reset the muscles” which will again experience tension (either shortening or stretching) due to poor biomechanical relationships, influenced by their development and forced positions. Physical back therapy is aimed at relaxing, strengthening, and balancing the muscles of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar areas, as well as reducing discomfort and pain in the back.
As the entire musculoskeletal system is an interconnected unit, it’s challenging to separate the spine and back from the whole.
The issue always needs to be viewed more broadly, taking into account the complete posture. In our center, we use electrotherapy, ultrasound therapy, vacuum therapy with an infrared laser, deep diathermy with radiofrequency, and medical massage. Depending on the issue, up to 10 continuous therapies might be required. Certainly, it’s recommended to maintain the therapy results with occasional visits and physiotherapy.